Event resources

1. Overview


Event Management Guide

Bundaberg Regional Council supports inclusive, vibrant and sustainable events that showcase the Bundaberg Region and support stronger community engagement.

Bundaberg Regional Council is committed to working with the community to deliver well-managed events within the Bundaberg Region. 

Council has produced an Event Management Guide  to assist event organisers in planning and running events in the Bundaberg Region

Our dedicated Events Team can provide advice and assist to event organisers during all stages of your planning process, including site selection and identifying what approvals are required.


Do you need to apply to Council or notify Council of an Event?

Generally yes, Council regulates Temporary Entertainment Events on Council land, on road and on private property to ensure that they are carried out in a safe and enjoyable manner for patrons, whilst preventing nuisances to the surrounding environment.

If your event is on public land or uses public facilities, or if your event impacts on normal public activities, you are likely to require either approval to use these spaces and/or approval to carry out your activiity regardless of participant number.

Some functions or events on private land may also require Council approval.

You will be required to submit an Event Application Form if your event expects 1000+ participants or in the instance that Council deems that your event is more complex in nature. As part of this form you will need to provide a detailed Event Management Plan, Risk Management Plan and Site Plan.

You can contact the Events Team via events.admin@bundaberg.qld.gov.au or by phone on 1300 883 699.


Event Management Guide Resources

Below is a list of the various Council Resources (Fact Sheets, Guidelines and Applications) taken from the Event Management Guide that may be relevant to your event. These resources can be obtained by clicking on the document number.


FM-7-650 / FM-7-700 Application to Hire Council Facility (Print and Electronic Versions)


Food Safety

  • MD-6-013 Food Stall Guidelines
  • FM-7-268 Temporary Food Stall Application (not for profit only)
  • FM-7-393 Food Licence Application - Temporary Food Licence

Advertising Devices

  • MD-7-308 Fact Sheet - Advertising Devices - Local Law - Temporary Signs
  • MD-7-309 Fact Sheet - Advertising Devices - Local Law - Portable Signs
  • MD-7-310 Fact Sheet - Advertising Devices - Local Law (General)
  • FM-7-527 Application for Approval - Installation of Advertising Device

Temporary Road Closures

  • FM-7-535 Special Events/Activities - Temporary Road Closure Request Form

Noise Management


  • MD-7-579 Fact Sheet - Toilet Facilities at Events

Temporary Furniture/Structures

  • MD-7-588 Temporary Furniture/Structures Guideline

Waste Management

  • MD-7-1080 Waste Management for Events Guideline


3. Grants and sponsorships


Council offers financial assistance to local community groups and organisations who make positive contributions to the quality of life in the Bundaberg Region. You can find more information about grants and financial assistance on Council's website.

4. Related Information

Event Volunteers

Event_Resources_Volunteers_Image.jpg Council is always looking for enthusiastic, reliable and helpful volunteers to assist in a variety of roles throughout the year at Council’s major events including the Childers Festival, Bundy Flavours, Pageant of Lights and Chinese New Year.

If this sounds like you please apply here.



Event_Resources_Fireworks.jpg Fireworks can only be carried out by licenced pyro-technicians in accordance with the Explosives Act 1999 and the Explosives Regulation 2017 and they will need to submit a fireworks notification form to Queensland Government at least seven calendar days before the event. Approval will need to be granted by Council if the fireworks are being held on Council land. You will need to provide Council with copies of:

• Fireworks display notification form (submitted to the Department of Natural Resources & Mines) visit www.dnrm.qld.gov.au or phone 137 468;

• Fireworks Insurance Policy/Certificate of Currency;

• Fireworks contractor and operator’s licence.

In some instances approval will need to be sought from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and/or other governing bodies. You should also ensure that the local fire station is notified about the fireworks as early as possible. Residents can view upcoming fireworks displays dates at www.dnrm.qld.gov.au


Food Vendors

Event_Resources_Food_vendor_image.jpg If food and refreshments are served or sold at your event, it may be necessary for food vendors and operators to obtain a Temporary Food Licence. Council fees vary for annual licences and seven day event licences while no fees are applicable for those exempt from licences. It is requested that you notify Council’s Regulatory Services of all food vendors involved with your event.

Find out the requirements for temporary food vendors and mobile food vehicles here


Helium Balloons

Event_Resources___Helium_Balloons.jpg Bundaberg Regional Council has adopted a local law prohibiting the release of helium balloons. As the gateway to the Southern Great Barrier Reef, Council is committed to protecting the environment and particularly our world renowned local Mon Repos Turtle Rookery. In an effort to minimise accidental release which could impact our local marine life and in order to set a positive example for the community, helium balloons will be banned at all Council run events. Stallholders will not be permitted to sell, or provide free of charge, helium balloons at any Council run event.


Noise Management

Event_Resources___Noise_Management.jpg The Environmental Protection Act 1994 sets out the legislative requirements for Open Air Events. Penalties may apply if noise levels are exceeded.

For many events some of the criteria set out in this legislation may not be achievable therefore Council has its own specific requirements to reduce the impact of these one off events.

View noise regulations information here.  

Any enquiries about the Noise Management should be directed to Council’s Environmental Services on 1300 883 699.


Event_Resrouces___Planning.jpg Any type of Development or Activity is usually required to have approval under the Sustainable Planning Act and this can be obtained from Council’s Development Assessment Section. Consideration must be given by event organisers to these requirements under a Planning Scheme.

Obtaining such approvals requires a minimum lead in time of three months depending on the size and characteristics of the approval necessary. Application fees are often applicable in some circumstances. Infrastructure charges may be applied to the use (particularly should it be ongoing). This should be factored in to the planning for the event and enough time must be allowed for this process.

For general development enquiries, please contact Council’s Planning Department on 1300 883 699.


Plastic Straws

Event_Resources___Plastic_Straws_1.jpg Council is committed to protecting the environment and particularly our world renowned local Mon Repos Turtle Rookery. In an effort to minimise the impact on our local marine life and in order to set a positive example for the community, plastic straws will be banned at all Council run events. Stallholders will not be permitted to provide plastic straws at any Council run event.

Service Providers

Event_Resources___Service_Provider.jpg Supply your services to Council events. We capture details on our Local Service Providers database and it is beneficial that your business is registered. It provides our Events team quick access to products and suppliers and allows us to share these details with other event organisers. Register now by downloading theService Provider Expression of Interest Form(PDF, 644KB) or emailevents.admin@bundaberg.qld.gov.aufor more information.

Serving or Selling Alcohol

Event_Resources_Alcohol_Image.jpg If you wish to sell or serve alcohol at your event, you may need a liquor licence from Queensland Government. For application forms and assistance, please contact theOffice of Liquor & Gaming Regulationon 13 74 68. If your event is to be held on Council property you will require Council’s non-objection endorsement from Council for your application. If you need this endorsement, phone Council on 1300 883 699.

Temporary Road Closures

Event_Resources_Traffic_Sign_Gallery.jpg Groups, organisations or individuals wishing to hold special events/activities requiring a temporary road/s closure or a reduction in speed limit must obtain Council approval and all applications must be made using the Special Events/Activities - Temporary Road Closure/Reduction in Speed Limit Request Form. Application does not guarantee approval. Applications are assessed as needed and must be received at least six (6) weeks prior to the event/activity date.

You will also be required to apply to the Queensland Police Service – www.police.qld.gov.au and to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (if the event is on a State controlled road) – www.tmr.qld.gov.au


Events_Resources_Recycling.jpg As an event organiser, it is your responsibility to ensure that all waste and recycling material is removed from the event site at the conclusion of the event. You will likely need to ensure that additional bins are available at the event site. You may be eligible for bins under Council’s Equipment loan program. if you are a not-for profit, community based or charitable organisation, or alternatively bins can be obtained by contacting Council’s Waste & Recycling branch on 1300 883 699.

There are things that you can do to reduce waste and be waste wise at your event, like:

• Separating recyclables, compost and general rubbish to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill;

• Not having single use plastics at your event;

• Setting up water stations and encouraging your guests to bring their own refillable bottle instead of using bottled water;

• Avoiding balloons or other decorations that can harm the environment;

• Keeping packaging to a minimum, or avoiding it altogether;

• Using biodegradable to recyclable products to serve food and drink.


Water Bottle Refill Station

09092021_Water_Station_14_1.jpg Bundaberg Regional Council hosts a Meet PAT water bottle refill station on behalf of the Burnett Local Marine Advisory Committee’s (LMAC) #LessIsMore for the Great Barrier Reef project. This is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers. 

PAT (“PAT” is “TAP” spelt backwards) can be used at events to encourage people to refill their water bottles and help our community reduce single use plastics.

PAT is easy to set up and use.

  • Simply plug it into a potable water tap
  • Wave your hand over the touch free sensor
  • Filtered water will fill up your water bottle

PAT is available for events hosted by not-for-profit groups, community and sporting groups and schools. It is free to hire, however a $200 bond is payable upon hire and will be refunded once the station is returned to Council. To check availability and book PAT please call Council on 1300 883 699 or email parksadministration@bundaberg.qld.gov.au

For more information please view this fact sheet(PDF, 818KB).