Prepare your pets

Pets are your responsibility during an event and/or evacuation and pet owners are encouraged to pre-plan alternative accommodation for their pets prior to the onset of any threat / event.

As a rule, pets are NOT permitted at many safer locations and Evacuation Centres (apart from service animals).

  • Decide what arrangements you will make for your pet in the case of a disaster
  • Prepare a Pet Emergency Plan and Pet Emergency Kit
  • Make sure your pet’s vaccinations, registration and/or microchip information is up to date in case you become separated from your pet during a disaster.
  • Consider asking a friend or relative outside the disaster area to shelter your pets until it is safe for them to return.

Trained Assistance Dogs

Guide, hearing, and assistance dogs will be accommodated with their owners at all Evacuation facilities in accordance with the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dog Act 2009. Proof is required from persons evacuating with an assistance animal providing evidence that it is an assistance animal and has been trained to meet standards of hygiene and behaviour that are appropriate for an animal in a public place.

What if your pet is not a dog or cat?

Although most household’s companion pets are commonly dogs, cats and birds; the suggested information can be applied to all household pet emergency planning. Should your companion pet not fall within this category, e.g. aquariums, reptiles, small livestock (pigs, fowls, goats, horses, cattle, sheep), it is suggested you contact specialised agencies, e.g. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the RSPCA, your animal’s veterinarian or local pet shop for specialised advice in planning for emergencies.


Responsibility for the evacuation of livestock remains with the livestock owner. If you intend to evacuate your property and cannot take your animals with you ensure they are in a safe place.

  • Move livestock to higher ground if there is a risk that lower areas may become flooded. Open gates to give animals access to other paddocks or areas to escape rising waters.
  • Purchase emergency fodder supplies and store them in a safe place.
  • Ensure livestock can be identified to help facilitate their return in case they become lost and displaced.
  • Fill water troughs and put out sufficient feed.
  • Ensure livestock equipment, shelters and paddocks are property maintained.

Visit Business Queensland for advice for livestock farms affected by natural disaster.