Bridges Health & Community Care - Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment Services (DARTS)
When you want support to reduce your drug and/or alcohol use, and improve your health and wellbeing, consider Bridges Drug and/or Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment Service (DARTS). As a specialist mental health provider for over two decades, we understand the interface between drug and alcohol concerns and mental illness.
About our service:
At Bridges, DARTS stands for: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Treatment Service. We offer comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment services for people with problematic substance use issues. Bridges provides treatment across all types of drug use, including cannabis, methamphetamine (ICE), misuse of pharmaceuticals like codeine, solvent misuse (sniffing), and tobacco.
You can benefit from this service if you:
- Have concerns about your drug or alcohol use?
- Find it hard to moderate or stop your alcohol and/or drug use?
- Want assistance to reduce or abstain from drinking alcohol, smoking, or using drugs?
- Have any mental health concerns?
How Bridges specialist team will help you:
- Comprehensive day assessment
- Mental health and psychological services
- Information, education, and family support
- Withdrawal management and harm reduction
- Practical support to help with personal goals
- Relapse prevention
Bridges approach:
Bridges uses a harm minimisation approach. This means first and foremost; our goal is to assist our client in reducing the harmful effects of drugs and/or alcohol.
This may be where substances are used in excess, or places a person at risk (health, relationships, employment, and the law).
Our clinical team assists people with their underlying mental health issues through trauma-informed counselling and referral for more intense psychological services.
Bridges is culturally sensitive and has Indigenous cultural support workers available to clients.
No Wrong Door:
Bridges "no wrong door" policy means will assist you with both your mental health AND alcohol and/or drug issues.
Refer into service:
Bridges DARTS team understands the relationship between your alcohol and/or other drug issues and your desire to improve your life.Our services receive referrals from:
- You, as a self-referring client
- Your General Practitioner (GP)
- Your local Hospital Health Service (HHS)
- Other community or government agencies
- Loved ones, with your consent
To start your journey, contact our team about Bridges DART services. Ph: 1800 263 274
Our DARTS services are available in the following Queensland locations.
- Bundaberg Region: Bundaberg, Childers, Gin Gin
- Burnett Region: Gayndah, with outreach to the North Burnett
- Fraser Coast Region: Maryborough, Hervey Bay
Funding acknowledgement
This program is funded by Queensland Health Community Services Funding Branch.
Wheelchair/mobility friendly access?
Bridges Health & Community Care,
Cnr O'Connell Street and River Terrace (O'Connell Street Office),
Millbank 4670
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Cnr O'Connell Street and River Terrace (O'Connell Street Office) ,
Millbank 4670
Bridges Health & Community Care
Cnr O'Connell Street and River Terrace (O'Connell Street Office) ,
Millbank 4670
Bridges Health & Community Care - Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment Services (DARTS)